
Archive for the ‘Lipscomb’ Category


July 10, 2006 3 comments

This past week I had the awesome experience of attending Summer Celebration on the campus of Lipscomb University in Nashville, TN. This is a summer lectureship series that my family and I have attended for the past three years. There are classes for all ages. This is one of the few lectureship that I have been too that has challenged my faith and encouraged me at the same time. It is unique in the fact that there were speakers from all over the spectrum in view of theology. Where else can you go to hear Alan Highers and Jeff Walling at the same lectureship. It was awesome to see that come together. If you have never been before then definitely plan to go next year.

This year’s theme was “Life in the Spirit: A Study of Ephesians”. Each class session challenged the listener to examine their spiritual life and how it affects everyone around them. Each speaker really challenged me to evaluate my call to ministry and my Christian walk. I really needed to hear these words this week because so many times I question why God has called me to ministry. I have NEVER wanted to be a minister. I have tried in many ways and occasions to “show” God that ministry is not for me. Each time he calls me back and gives me another chance. I STILL do not know what God is planning for me, but I know it is something great because that is the kind of Father that I serve. So for now I will continue to trust Him and follow wherever he leads.

I have been praying for a long time now that God would put me into a ministry where I am uncomfortable. I have been comfortable for a long time because I “know” what I am doing for the most part in youth ministry. I do not claim to being an expert in working with youth, but I have been doing it for about 8 years now and have picked up enough techniques that work well. I feel like I am ready now to do something in ministry that will make me feel totally inept. I want to do something that I do not have the training or confidence for. I want to be in an area where I can only depend on God and not myself. I am sure that God will answer this prayer when He is ready. My challenge for anyone who is reading this is to pray for ineptness. Pray for the unknown. Pray that God will put you where He needs you most and not where you think you need to be. God bless.